Saturday, April 12, 2014


I have finally started my new job. I finished my first week yesterday. I am working at Ruby Receptionists. The company is too good to be true. They really care about their employees and EVERYONE is so nice! I have been doing really well and loving it.

Now that I have gotten a job our profile is back on! It went up Thursday. I really hope that this time it won't come down until we have been chosen.

I met a new friend in my training class. There were six of us. Amazingly enough she is a birth mom. I hope that my kid has one as loving and understanding as her. We have talked a lot and she is amazing. Thursday we even discovered we have the same birthday! It has been so fun! I have also really enjoyed getting to see her point of view in the adoption process.

My birthday is a month from today. Yikes! I will be one year away from 30. Crazy! I hope this last year and my 20s will be exciting and happy. I am trying everyday to have a thankful attitude and look for the blessings in my life. Let me tell you it make life much more enjoyable. Now to find to joy in the waiting. : )

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