Friday, September 20, 2013

Homestudy Inspection Done

Our caseworker came over yesterday to do our inspection. It seemed to go well. The only thing we really needed to correct was we needed to go out and buy a carbon monoxide detector for each floor. I thought our smoke detectors were both. Hehe. Oh well. They are now installed and we are good to go.

It was nice that when he was talking about what happens next he said that the ball is in his court. We have done our part and now it is up to him. He did say there is another couple ahead of us whose homestudy he needs to write, but he will get ours done after that. He also said it is OK for me to check in on him and see how it is going. : ) Thank you for giving me permission to nag! One thing that was really helpful was Justin and I both agreed that when he was talking it sounded like he was saying WHEN we are approved not IF we are approved. We will see how our interviews go.

Yesterday I went to Babies R Us to pick up a baby shower for a dear friend who is having twins after a long hard bout with infertility. I am so excited for her! At first while I was there I kept my head down and tried to avoid all the baby stuff and the moms. However, I let my self, for the first time since we lost our baby, actually start thinking about the nursery, and the fact that we really are going to need a nursery. How crazy is that? Even while writing this that thought still scares me because it still feels abstract and so far in the future that is isn't really a possibility, but I am starting to let my self believe it. I looked around at the bedroom sets and even brought home a catalog.

I really don't like espresso, which EVERYTHING seems to come in, neither do I like the painted white look. I like having a little red in the wood. I I found two at the store that I likes and another in the catalog. I have no idea what Justin likes, or if he even cares. While it would be so fun picking out nursery furniture, I don't think we are ready for that. Maybe we can start thinking of painting the nursery? Something light and neutral, safe. : )

Tonight we have a class on Oregon Adoption Law changed that are being proposed. Next Thursday are our individual interviews, and that is all for now. How crazy is it that we have done all we can do to be approved for adoption? It feels great, but also a little scary.

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